Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Queens of Cooking - the CWA LAdies

The Country Women's Association of New South Wales,  a not-for-profit association formed in 1922, is part of the largest voluntary women's organisation in Australia. Members work for the welfare of all women and their families - country and city - through representation to all levels of government, fundraising events and the teaching of life skills.

The Bellingen CWA meets at 9.30 am on the first Monday of the month at 2 Chcurch Street, Bellingen. For more information on the Bellingen branch, please contact Mrs Yvonne Woods on 02 6655 1639 or check out the website.

1 comment:

  1. We are Queens of Cooking too. In New York maybe we can network. Queensofcooking.com call 631-509-cook
